


Vor dir siehst du vielfältige Persönlichkeiten aus unterschiedlichen Jahrhunderten, die alle eins gemeinsam haben: jede:r Einzelne:r setzte und setzt sich mutig dafür ein, dass Menschen wie du und ich in einer toleranteren Gesellschaft leben können und sich niemand ausgeschlossen fühlt. Denn Toleranz, Respekt und Anerkennung sind keine Selbstverständlichkeit. Wir alle sind gefragt uns einzubringen und einen Teil beizutragen. Lass dich von diesen Menschen inspirieren, werde mit deinem eigenen Zitat zu Toleranz Teil dieser Wand und nimm eine Papier-Biografie mit nach Hause!


In front of you, you’ll see diverse personalities from different centuries who all have one thing in common: each individual has courageously worked to ensure that people like you and me can live in a more tolerant society and that no one feels excluded. Because tolerance, respect and recognition cannot be taken for granted. We are all called upon to get involved and do our part. Be inspired by these people; become part of this wall with your own quote on tolerance and take a paper biography home with you!


Перед вами разносторонние личности из разных веков, которым присуща общая черта: каждый из этих людей мужественно прилагал и прилагает усилия к тому, чтобы такие люди, как мы с вами, могли жить в более толерантном обществе, и чтобы никто не чувствовал себя отвергнутым. Ведь толерантность, уважение и признание не возникают сами по себе. Всем нам нужно участвовать в этом и вносить свой вклад. Вдохновитесь этими людьми, станьте частью этой стены, разместив на ней свою цитату по теме толерантности, и возьмите с собой домой бумажную биографию!


Перед тобою різнобічні особистості з різних століть і в усіх них є одна спільна риса: кожна та кожний із них мужньо докладала/докладав та докладає зусиль до того, щоб такі люди, як ми з тобою, могли жити в більш толерантному суспільстві, де б ніхто не почувався знехтуваним. Адже толерантність, повага та визнання не виникають самі собою. Нам усім потрібно бути небайдужими та робити свій внесок. Надихнися цими людьми, стань частиною цієї стіни з власною цитатою на тему толерантності та візьми з собою додому паперову біографію!


Önünde farklı yüzyıllardan çok yönlü kişilikler görebilirsin, hepsinin ortak bir noktası var: her biri sen ve ben gibi insanların daha hoşgörülü bir toplumda yaşayıp kimsenin kendini dışlanmış hissetmemesi için cesaretle uğraşmış ve uğraşıyor. Çünkü hoşgörü, saygı ve kabul doğal şeyler değildir. Hepimizden bu uğraşa katılmamız ve bir parça katkıda bulunmamız isteniyor. Bu insanlardan ilham al, hoşgörüyle ilgili kendi alıntınla bu duvarın bir parçası ol ve evine kağıttan bir biyografi götür!

Alice Hasters

Alice Hasters is a German journalist, bestselling author and podcaster who…

Alexander Bojcan

As an artist and private individual, Alexander Bojcan not only advocates a cosmopolitan Germany…

Annette von Droste-Hülshoff

Annette von Droste-Hülshoff found through writing the opportunity to rebel against…

Der kleine Prinz

The little prince leaves his home planet in search of the truth—and realises that…

Kim de L'Horizon

Kim de l’Horizon fights to ensure that people—their bodies and genders as well as their desires…

Marianne Rosenberg

Marianne Rosenberg counters hatred with love.

Aminata Belli

Aminata Belli is a German TV presenter, influencer and fashion journalist who campaigns against…

Werner Sylten

Werner Sylten provided young girls with a new home in a reformatory—later, he helped Christians persecuted…

Martin Dibobe

Martin Dibobe fought—as an African living in Germany during the Imperial Era and the Weimar Republic…

Das Känguru

The Kangaroo, known for its resistant and humorous behaviour, is the main character in the book series…

Serpil Temiz Unvar

Serpil Temiz-Unvar’s son was murdered by a right-wing extremist in Hanau—as a result, she founded…

Raul Krauthausen

Raúl Aguayo-Krauthausen is an author, communications graduate, design thinker and inclusion activist…

Hannah Pirot

Hannah Pirot practises civil disobedience adressing the issue of climate…

May Ayim

With her poetry, May Ayim sought to make visible social conditions for which no words have yet been found…

Cem Karaca

Cem Karaca dealt with discrimination and social barriers in his music…

Anne Frank

Anne Frank was born as one of two daughters into a German-Jewish family…

Mohamed Helmy

Mohamed Helmy risked his life during the Nazi dictatorship to help…

Esther Bejarano

Esther Bejarano survived Auschwitz, fought into old age against fascism and…

Leon Goretzka

Leon Christoph Goretzka, beyond being a professional footballer, uses his celebrity status to combat hatred and intolerance…

Pünktchen und Anton

Dot is wealthy, Anton is poor—yet the two are connected by a deep friendship…

Johann Trollmann

Johann Wilhelm „Rukeli“ Trollmann demonstrated against the Nazi regime in his final bout as a boxer…

Ata Canani

Ozan Ata Canani is a Turkish-German musician who gave a voice to Gastarbeiter (limited-term foreign labourers) in Germany…

Sophie Scholl

Sophia Magdalena „Sophie“ Scholl sacrificed her life in the fight against National Socialism…

Mai Phuong Kollath

Mai-Phuong Kollath is committed to the integration of migrants…

Louise Schroeder

As a Social Democrat, Louise Schroeder openly positioned herself against National Socialism…

Bobby Brederlow

Bobby Brederlow has given people with disabilities a level of visibility…

Rosa Luxemburg

Rosa Luxemburg felt at home wherever there were clouds and birds and human tears…

Clemens Meyer

Clemens Meyer is a German author who has described the fall of the Berlin Wall from an East German perspective…

Argyris Sfountouris

Argyris Sfountouris has committed himself to fostering Geman-Greek relations as well as to the recognition and…

Karl Jaspers

Karl Jaspers did not allow himself to be corrupted by National Socialism and remained a resistant and self-critical thinker

Rudolf Manga Bell

Manga Bell denounced the violent treatment of his people under German colonial rule—and …

Hugo Hamid Marcus

Hugo Hamid Marcus stood up for the rights of homosexuals and opposed racist and …

Ernst Bloch

Ernst Bloch, a Marxist-inspired philosopher, criticised bourgeois society—and hoped for a fairer world.

Daniel Donskoy

In his own personal way, Daniel Donskoy is committed to self-determination and a new self-understanding of …


Momo is probably the best listener of all time.

G.E. Lessing

Lessing was convinced that the value of a person should not be measured by their faith, but by their character and actions…